My nominee for the most tedious new-parent job? Easy–changing the crib sheets. Oh, sure, it sounds simple enough. But try it sometime and you’ll quickly discover that those tight-fitting mattresses have to be pulled completely out the crib–a task that requires the removal of the crib bumper as well as any toys or mirrors attached to the crib bars. And once the sheet is changed, you have to put it all back together again. When my oldest son was born, I quickly developed a complicated marital-guilt maneuver solely to avoid this very task.
Flash forward a decade, and things are looking up for my husband. The Quick Change Crib from Innovative Crib Designs is an award-winning (and attractive) solution that allows parents or caregivers to unlatch one end of the crib, pull the mattress out, and quickly change the sheet without touching anything else in the crib. Once the clean sheet is on, you simply slide the mattress back in, relatch the end, and you’re done!
The Quick Change Crib comes in a variety of finishes to complement nearly any nursery design, and it’s reasonably priced at $349. But I wonder: now that I’ll be changing the crib sheets, can I get Daddy to change all the diapers??