Having a shared family computer can be demanding and challenging, especially if you share it with your children that enjoy spending hours on it. However, there are ways to make the most out of it and make it usable and enjoyable for everyone. Here are some tips. Keep the software updated Keeping the software of […]
3 Ways Technology Has Impacted Your Family’s Education
There is no doubt that technology has had an enormous impact on education. Ideas that were just science fiction two decades ago are now commonplace. This is amazing because it continues to make education more accessible to all. Technology has also made getting a solid, quality education easier than ever before for everyone—including your own […]
4 Possible Career Paths for Kids with a Proficiency for Computers and Tech
If your child is already the designated family resource person for tech support, they might have a future in the computer and technology industry. Technology is a booming business that is becoming more and more intertwined with daily life and tasks. Jobs in the field are valuable and satisfying. There is a wide range of […]
4 Healthy Ways To Encourage Entrepreneurship In Your Children
Most parents want their kids to get through life doing better than they did. This generally means that they want their kids to earn more money and have more to show for it. While this is a noble goal to have for their children, the best way to put their kids on the right path […]
Baby Apps to Help Parents Get Through Those Sleep Deprived Early Months
Having a baby is one of the most rewarding experiences life can give. But, when it comes to getting a decent night’s sleep, that’s much easier said than done. With the constant night-feeds and nightly-attention that needs to be given to your baby, it’s estimated new parents get an average of just 5.1 hours […]
How to Supervise Your Child’s Smartphone Activities
One of the biggest problems with raising a child today is something that your parents probably never dreamed of: the amount of time kids spend and the type of content they may find on their mobile devices. Responsible parents should have some idea about what their children are finding online, but it can be tough […]