I had the opportunity to interview Matt, CEO of DiggersList.com a free online home improvement and construction classifieds that helps homeowners, contractors and do-it-yourselfers save money, find jobs and complete projects. He is going to help us make our home green for Earth Day.
What does Earth Day mean to you?
Earth Day highlights an opportunity for all of to step up our game as responsible stewards of this planet. While this charge used to be lead by a relatively small group of people that liked to refer to themselves as Tree Huggers, I think it’s fantastic that being environmentally conscious has hit the mainstream. I believe most people want to do what’s right, and with a holiday like Earth Day, our awareness and education is raised on how we can live more sustainable lifestyles. “Know better, do better.”
What are you doing to go green for this 2010 Earth Day?
The building industry contributes more than 160 million tons of construction related waste each year to America’s landfills. We at
DiggersList.com have created on online resource that allows builders and property owners alike to re-circulate a lot these materials and give them a second life…and ultimately we are helping to cut down the waste that ends
up in the landfill. In 2010….we are letting everyone in the country know about this option as fast as we can.
Do you see any growing trends around Earth Day this year?
Yes. I have seen that sustainable practices have become mainstream, and this is good. In the way that we no longer buy a vehicle without considering the gas efficiency, the same attitude and awareness has made its way into almost any type of business, with construction and remodeling in the forefront. In addition, large corporations are now striving and highlighting their “green-ness” …and it’s in their best financial interest to do so. Planet Green and Wallet green are on the same page in 2010, and this is a good thing.
What are the 3 top ways/areas families can start to go green?
* Go into your garage, look for all the excess or left over building materials or supplies that you have from previous remodeling or DIY projects and post those items on DiggersList.com
* Consider “deconstruction” over demolition on your next remodeling project. You would be amazed at how much of the materials can be put to use on another project.
* Create an environment of interest and curiosity with your family about going green…the more it feels like having to eat your vegetables, the less excited your family will be to learn.
What are the three top energy wasters, in your opinion?
Some major energy wasters in your home can be:
* Lack of Insulation
* Single Pane Windows
* Outdated and Inefficient HVAC systems
What are some little ways to conserve energy that we could involve our kids in?
Teach you kids about “Phantom Load,” also known as standby power. This is energy that is wasted by keeping some home appliances and electronics ready to turn on in an instant. Standby power helps electronics start up faster. What’s crazy is that phantom loads account for five percent of all power used in the United States. According to the Department of Energy, the most electricity used by home electronics is consumed when devices are “off.” With all of the electronics that kiddos have these days, it can be a fun game to have your kids learn which electronic devices are using power when in the off position.
Thank you for your time and input on how go green our homes in honor of 2010 Earth Day.
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