The Coupon Sherpa has a neat little ebook called, Eco-Frugal Life Guide, that offers history of the depression “greenies”, whom they refer to the original “greenies”. I can’t say that I could argue their point. The other chapters are just as appealing, at least to someone interested in green living.
Here are the rest of the chapter titles of the book:
* Intro: Depressionites: The Original Greenies
* Chapter 1: Our Daily Bread
* Chapter 2: Green Does a Body Good
* Chapter 3: Recycling
* Chapter 4: The Emerald House
* Chapter 5: Leisure and Tourism
* Chapter 6: Getting There
* Chapter 7: Shopping
* Bonus: Oh Baby! Green Savings for Kids
Granted some of the ideas presented in this little guide may sound foreign to many, however, if you are trying to save money, a live healthier, happier lifestyle then there is plenty it does contain that you can learn from and possibly even implement to help you achieve your lifestyle dreams. Being frugal doesn’t have to mean being cheap. Being frugal is getting the most for the least amount of money. After all, people were living “green” before it was ever called that and they are probably the most frugal generation living today so why not learn from the “best” so to speak?