Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there!
Ladies, you’ve gotta know about the UK documentary film called, Being Dad the Movie. It is What to Expect When You Are Expecting for Dads.
This is a unique last minute Father’s Day Gift or those of you scrambling around this morning planning your day with Dad. 😉
The Producer of Being Dad, Troy Jones, is offering a link to the latest installment of the international film series Being Dad. This latest episode is not even available for purchase yet, but is being offered for free (valued at $19.95) at the following link:
I watched/listened to about 40 minutes of it the other night and it was rather fun to listen to the banter between the Dads in this film as they share how they never really wanted kids, finding out they were becoming fathers to everything they experienced during their wife’s pregnancy and between up to the birth of their child. They even covered miscarriage and grief. You could tell one Dad was fighting his emotions as he shared the loss of their stillborn child.
The movie is approximately 97 minutes and depending upon your preference and just so you know, the language is rather raw in places. You might want to preview it as a couple before letting little ones watch it.
There is a Being Dad USA and you can visit that site for special offers and more information at www.BeingDadUsa.com
It is always interesting to see how the different sexes experience and think about the same event, like pregnancy and birth. Let us know what you thought of it.