Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
I don’t know how many of you have school age children yet, but here at our house we have 5 children who are in school and we do a bit of preschool with two of our three younger ones. This is why products like the SpellQuizzer appeal to our family. SpellQuizzer isn’t just for homeschooling families, any family with school age children will benefit from this product.
SpellQuizzer is an educational tool that enables parents to record their child’s spelling list and let the child work on it at their leisure or a time scheduled time by the parent . The parent simply downloads and installs the spelling software onto their computer, then takes the spelling list, speaks into a microphone and SpellQuizzer records what the parent says. Multiple spelling lists may be recorded and saved for multiple children. All the child has to do is look for his or her name and press play to begin.
This spelling program is very easy to download and use, even for those that do not consider themselves techno savvy. Parents will find other helpful resources on the site like: free downloadable spelling lists , video demonstrations of SpellQuizzer , spelling software for homeschoolers , SpellQuizzer community site.
SpellQuizzer has been very helpful for our family during this time of having a newborn. Even if we didn’t have an infant in the house it would still be helpful. My husband has been recording the spelling lists, I helped the first time and we had fun making up goofy sentences for the children. This has helped me not have to worry about fitting in spelling and the children love to hear their daddy’s voice during the day while he’s at work. It was so cute the first time they did it because they were smiling and laughing at hearing daddy’s voice and at the funny sentences he made up for them. It helped me as a busy work-at-home mom have another task delegated. The children all love using the computer so using this software is another way for them to learn the keyboard and their spelling words.
For some, this spelling program may seem unnecessary because why go through all the trouble of recording the spelling words when they can just read the list to their child in person? And while that may be a valid point, I think it will greatly depend upon each individual family and schedules. With SpellQuizzer, there are no lost lists because the parent records them the same day the child brings them home, there is no paper clutter (even with technology the way it is, don’t we all still struggle with some paper clutter?) and it is a fun, educational way to introduce the computer to children.
Free SpellQuizzer Trial
Free 30 Day trial. After the trial parents will have the option of purchasing a license option of SpellQuizzer. License includes the following:
Number of computers Price per license
Single PC License $29.95
Family Pack License (up to 5 PCs) $49.95
For other options fill out the contact form for more information.