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The Day Leo Said I Hate You!is a cute book about a boy named Leo and his mother. Leo gets a little tired of always hearing his mother tell him “No”. Finally he gets so upset that he says three dreadful word no mother ever wants to hear, “I hate you!”
This book teaches children that it’s ok not to like things, but when it comes to people we need to consider their feelings before we just blurt out the next thing or emotion we happen to be going through. It also reinforces that it’s ok to make a mistake, but it’s even better to make it up to those we have hurt or wronged.
We thought that this book was very cute, and my children loved it. They where laughing at the illustrations and the funny parts. The Day Leo Said I Hate You is written by Robie H. Harris.
For more information about Robie H. Harris and her writings please visit