Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
Sorry I didn’t get this posted with the Rock What You’ve Got giveaway, but I am suppose to be on a semi-vacation and still seem to find plenty of other things to do that getting caught up on my reviews seems to take longer than I want it to!
Rock What You’ve Got is a refreshing book. I am impressed with celebrity kid, Katherine Schwarzenegger’s new book, Rock What You’ve: Got Secrets to Loving Your Inner and Outer Beauty She really gives some sound advice to young girls about loving themselves for the way they are made. Not only that, but Katherine encourages girls to focus more on their inner beauty than their outward beauty. There’s nothing wrong with desiring to be fashionable, but if the inner person is cultivated and happy that inevitably shines through exhibiting a more natural outer beauty than fashion can reveal in a person. Wouldn’t you agree? No one ever makes fun of a smile or says something negative about one, do they?
My oldest daughter really liked the book and she confirmed to me what I had already been guessing she was struggling with even though she denied it. Here is what she said,
I really, really enjoyed this book. As a young woman myself, I had developed a negative self-image of my body and was thinking I was fat when I wasn’t. I cannot begin to count how many times I’ve been told I was thin and slender/skinny. I just thought everyone who told me that was lying and being nice to me. Katherine’s book really opened my eyes to the fact that I can’t be perfect and that I can’t look like the size 0, six ft tall, and 90 lb super models. These models are not healthy, way too skinny, are air brushed and edited on photo shop. They aren’t real, they are just fake women. The fact of the matter is, most of those models are between the ages of 14-19 and haven’t even developed their “womanly” figures yet.
Since Katherine grew up in celebrity circles, she has the inside scoop so to speak of the fashion industry. Her book offers girls help in navigating through different issues. If you have older daughters and are trying to guide them through self-image issues, you know how hard it is sometimes to affirm them in how they look. I think that’s when our husbands need to be helping us, but I also think that hearing it from another young woman closer to their age also helps because it backs up what we have already been trying to tell them. This is what Rock With What You’ve Got did for us.
I highly recommend this book for moms and daughters to discuss and read together.
Thanks to Hyperion Books for supplying us with this book.
It retails for $22.99 and is hardcover with a dust jacket.