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The holiday season is here and this is the time many of you may be feeling the pressure of “How am I going to get everything done?” kind of madness. This may be the time of year where you host more parties and get togethers, so that adds to the stress as you scurry about trying to get your home in tip top shape for your guests.
Linda Samuels, a Professional Organizer, has written a little book entitled The Other Side of Organized. This book is about finding the balance between chaos and perfection.
While reading Linda’s book, I felt liberated when the idea that each of us has a different tolerance for clutter and organization. It was like a light bulb went on in my head or something. This tolerance is sure to change and be challenged with each new season of life too.
Another interesting point made in The Other Side of Organized is that each of us has a certain degree of tolerance before we become overwhelmed. Imagine if we could only know this? Our lives would be changed wouldn’t they?
Mrs. Samuels walks readers through the these chapter subjects: to embrace change, letting go, too much clutter, getting motivation, enlisting help, positive thinking and life’s balance to help us all to learn our comfort own level of organizational bliss.
There are really no right or wrong to organization. The key is to know yourself well enough so you can work at maintaining your personal level of organization.
Both the organizationally challenged as well as the organized will receive tidbits of encouragement in this short 148 page book ($14.95 Paperback).
A quote:
Organizing extends beyond having a place for everything. It’s also about finding the balance, discovering places and people that renews your energy”