Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
The Gift of Love is a short video (only 10 minutes) about the Christmas story. All of the art is beautifully illustrated with chalk art. It held our children’s attention very well and we were amazed at how the artist made such wonderful pictures with chalk. Throughout the 10 minutes quick little shots are given of artist Gloria Gholmann drawing the final picture for the story.
STL TGOL Art Promo (90sec)-rev from Kip Perry on Vimeo.
There are three Art Lesson segments that children may watch. Each features a different artist teaching children some fundamentals in chalk art, drawing and creative lettering. Our children actually watched these with fascination. In the Portrait of Mary segment, Gloria Kolhmann teaches a young girl how to draw a picture of Mary with chalk. The young girl did an incredible job!
The Gift of Love is a great way for children to celebrate Christmas using their creativity and remembering the real reason for the season.
For more information about this video, visit The Gift of Love website.