Food allergies are scary and more and more children are being diagnosed with them. My own children have minor allergies and several friend’s children have severe allergies. So how can we keep our little darlings safe? Here are these four great tips:
1.       Logistical Coordinator – Let everyone know about your child’s allergies. Friend’s parents, coaches, and teachers.  Tell them how to recognize an allergic reaction and what to do in case of emergency. The best way to do this is to schedule an advanced one-on-one meeting.
2.       Wrist Candy – Medical safety bracelets have saved hundreds of lives since EMTs are trained to look for them. The only way a bracelet can save your child’s life in an emergency is if they are actually wearing them. Nowadays, many companies, like Medical ID Marketplace ( are creating trendy bracelets that kids no longer have to be embarrassed for wearing them. They have hundreds of designs fit for every kid’s personality. The bracelets also come with a complimentary engraving and allow parents to include emergency contacts and health info.
 3.      Play Ball – Don’t let allergies stop your little player from being on his or her sports team. Just pack a safe snack and proper medicine kit (i.e. EpiPen, Inhaler, etc).  Also make sure that you meet one on one with the staff/coaches so that they know exactly what to do should problems occur.
 4.       Smart Snacks – Kids should not be deprived a snack just because they are different. Instead load them up with “safe†alternatives like carrots or allergy specialty snacks that are healthy while safe.
Now get off the computer and enjoy this beautiful spring weather with your kidlets!
These tips are designed to help parents and not treat allergies. Photos credit Google Images.