With the flu season in progress, many people spend more time at home to avoid catching germs from other people. In cold weather, we tend to close the windows and turn up the thermostat. Here are a few tips that help your home to remain a healthy refuge from the outside world.
Clean Environment
A clean home goes a long way toward protecting human health. Germs are readily spread through touch on kitchen surfaces where raw meat has been handled or in bathrooms where someone has been sick. Even doorknobs can harbor microbes that can make us sick. Washing and perhaps even sanitizing areas with the most contact that can spread illness should be done at least weekly, and some areas, daily. A quick wipe-down with a Clorox cleaning wipe is often adequate, unless larger or more seriously contaminated areas, such as pet stains, require significant scrubbing.
Effective HVAC
Uncontaminated air to breathe is one of the most essential needs of the human body. An HVAC system that is routinely inspected and maintained with the proper filter will keep clean air circulating throughout the home. Furnaces and air conditioning systems should be checked annually to ensure they are working properly. Ductwork can be cleaned by experts to promote clear airways that are free of dust, insects, and allergens like pet fur.
Efficient Plumbing
A home’s plumbing system should be inspected every year or two for possible leaks or worn fixtures that may be on the verge of breaking. Finding and repairing minor problems not only saves money and later inconvenience, it also prevents the buildup of mold and mildew, which are hazardous to health.
Moderate Temperature
Depending on the climate and outdoor weather, a house’s indoor thermostat should be set at a moderate temperature. In general, cooler air is better than very warm humid air, as the latter serves as a breeding ground for bacterial growth. While there is no specific temperature recommended for all homes due to variability in heating systems and individual need, many people set their indoor temperature to between 70 degrees and 75 degrees, weather permitting.
Controlled Audio
Loud noises on audio devices like video games and television over time can lead in some cases to hearing loss as well as increased stress levels. Lower volume helps to protect our hearing and our nerves. In many cases, decreasing stress can decrease your likelihood of getting sick. Even if you don’t mind some noise, try setting aside a few minutes to enjoy a silent house. You might like how it feels.
A home can truly be a person’s protective fortress when it promotes good health through practices like these. Even if you don’t get sick very often, keeping your home a healthy environment can still be a wonderful improvement to your quality of life.