Update: Contest is closed. Congrats to our winner, Erin!
We’re giving away an adorable, handmade Jooble from Fair Indigo!!
Retailing for just $29 each, Joobles can be found online at www.fairindigo.com or at specialty e-tailers like Oompa.com. Visit Fair Indigo’s website to see detailed images of each animal. The colorful characters range from turquoise to celery green.
Where do Joobles come from? Started by a Peruvian family — a mom, a dad, and their daughter — this company provides work and hope to hundreds of rural and urban Peruvians all over the country. Small groups of impoverished workers are trained to run their own small businesses making hand-knit clothing and accessories. In addition to providing much needed employment, they train workers throughout Peru in such valuable skills as quality control and production planning. Fair Indigo also works with this company’s charitable arm by donating free breakfasts and school supplies to children of the workers.
Parents who have shopped for organic toys will appreciate the value of Joobles. Other pricier knit toys not only cost more, but are often made of acrylic yarn and not made under fair trade conditions. Joobles are not only 100% adorable but will improve our planet for the next generation by supporting small sustainable farming and fair trade. Isn’t it amazing how the right toy can make a difference?
Want To Win One?
All you have to do it visit www.fairindigo.com and click on the About Fair Trade tab on the top right hand side. Then just enter in the Contest Box below and briefly describe the concept of fair trade and what you learned from reading the page.
Other Details:
The winner may choose 1 Joobles as their prize. (Icy the Penguin and Jiffy the Giraffe are already sold out!)
Contest is open from Dec 11-14th. Must enter before midnight on Dec 14th. Must be 18 or older to enter. Must be in USA or Canada to enter.
Why We Love Joobles:
My 16 month old daughter has Bella The Bunny and upon opening the box, she immediately fell in love! She just kept showering him with kisses…

(Click On Image To Enlarge)
Joobles are soft, cuddly, and totally adorable. Plus, their Fair Trade so you know you’re helping out by buying one. They are soft, cute and perfect for any child.
They would make a really unique and special Christmas present this Holiday season. Forget Elmo! These cuddly little Joobles will put a smile on just about any child’s face.

Fair trade is great. Paying more than minimum wage to help underprivaleged families take care of themselves! YEAH!!!! We want to be missionaries to third world nations and teach people trades to earn wages, but without fair trade, it might all be in vane since they might only make pennies a week without it! Those Joobles are so adorable! And the sweaters and hats and mittens are cute too!
Immigrating from a third world…now my home is the land of opportunities, I can only say that I am blessed living with my family of three children whom hopefully will never know how it feels to be so hungry or overwhelmed by dispair. I am all for supporting and helping those to stand on thier own.
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