By now I am sure you have seen and heard about The Potty Dance, an interactive song and dance, brought to you by PULL-UPS. The hip-hop inspired commercial and extended web video gets kids and their parents excited about Potty Season. The Potty dance is a fun teaching tool that creates fun family time and an enjoyable experience for hesitant toddlers. PULL-UPS believe in helping every toilet trainer succeed and feel like a Big Kid ©.
The song, video and dance steps can be downloaded at It’s too late to enter the “So You Think You Can Potty Dance” video contest, but you can go vote for your favorite finalist!
Potty Dancers can show friends and family their polished moves by sending e-cards with their picture animated doing the potty dance in a variety of settings.
So next time your toddler says, “I have to go potty” make sure they know how to sing the song and do the dance! Check out the song below…

Please VOTE for Princess Isabella for Pull-Ups Potty Dance Contets:
Out of all of the of submissions, the judges have narrowed it down to only 10 Finalists and my little princess Isabella is one of them!!!!!!!!! The winner will be getting a $5000 toddler room makeover! Now we need your VOTES please! You can vote once per day from 03/29/09-04/25/09. Simply go to You will then type in your e-mail address and click submit. The first time you log in you will need to register your e-mail, all days after that after you will just enter your e-mail address. After entering your e-mail address you will then click on “view entire gallery” on the middle right-hand side of the screen. You will see the 10 finalists. On the top right-hand side of the screen in the search e-mail you can type in to get Isabella’s video (hers is titled Princess Isabella and has a pink background and she is dancing on top of her toy box and wearing all pink). You will click on her video and underneath the video there will be a “vote” box…click on vote and then you are done. Please remember to vote everyday from 03/29/09-04/25/09.
Please also tell all your friends to vote for Isabella everyday!!! THANK YOU 🙂
~Love, Alexandra & Princess Isabella
***Please, please, please repost this bulletin to get the word out***