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I don’t know if you have ever visited Stylecaster’s website or not, but they seem to have quite a bit of information. They have fashion news, fashion trends, fashion for women, the celebrity buzz, as well as informative videos, beauty tips and a place to shop. Not to mention some new yummy recipes that you won’t want to miss!
Some of their most recent stories this week have included: The Most Memorable Oscar Gowns since 1996, DVF’s “Proud to be a Woman” Set to Release March 8, 3 New Faces of Rimmel London Step Onto the Sceneand 6 recipes they say we should know how to make. By the way, those photos with their recipes will make your mouth water! Just sayin’…
The Random Reporter is relatively new website that you might want to check out for latest fads, celebrity news, make up celebrities use, organization tips and more.
Let me know if you have come across any cool new websites while you’ve been surfing for women’s fashion, beauty and celebrity news. You know we love to learn about new resources!