Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
This book would be a great little tool to bless moms of children who have allergies with. It could also be a god-send to frustrated moms, therefore, I think it should be on your list of gift ideas this coming Mother’s Day. It might just make some mothers lives easier as a result. Maybe they will even shout for joy, who knows!?
As I posted in Sunday’s post, Kelly Rudnicki was one of those moms of children with allergies who couldn’t find good tasting recipes that met with her family’s taste bud approval. So she created some of her own awesome recipes to treat her family to the same yummy tasting treats that children without allergies enjoy.
In the first section of her book, Mrs. Rudnicki gives substitution suggestions and baking tips called, The Food Allergy Mom’s Tips and Advice. She also includes places to purchase specific ingredients in this chapter too, as they may be hard to find in a regular grocery store.The Food Allergy Mom’s Baking Book is illustrated with wonderful photos of delicious looking food!
In the back of the book she has a page listing food allergy organizations and foundations that would be especially helpful to parents just starting the food allergy journey.
I was going to try and pick up some ingredients to try recipes before I posted this review, but decided that I wouldn’t have time and wanted to feature this book before Mother’s Day. Lots of moms are bakers and plenty of moms suffer through the agonizing process of eliminating foods from their children’s diets just to find out what caused an allergic reaction. So I knew I had to share this book for all of those moms out there who are struggling with revamping their families diet due to allergies. Or even a friend who is struggling to find comparable homemade treats to the expensive store bought versions. So forgive me that I cannot verify that these recipes are just as good, if not better than regular non-allergic recipes. Know when I finally do try them, you will be the first to hear the results!
Buy The Food Allergy Mama’s Baking Book