I remember when I was younger seeing the occasional mom using a leather harness that wrapped around a child like a harness does a horse or dog. My mother really disliked them and I have to say that they are not that appealing to me either. It’s probably for that reason that I have never used one. But what about you, what’s your take on kid safety harnesses? Safety harness is probably the name they give them to make them sound more civilized than a leash. After all we leash dogs, possibly cats, not people, right?
Here are some styles of safety harnesses that I found available. Please let me know if you have used any of them and if you found them helpful or not. They seem like a very inexpensive piece of toddler/child equipment.
Dream Baby Child Safety Harness
Child Safety Harness & Backpack for Children
Sunshine Kids Sure Steps Safety Strap
So as cute as the backpack is and as handy a Tommi Guard would be for sets of multiples, what do you really think about putting your child on a leash? I see the safety reasons behind it, but I still don’t think I could use one. Is it just me or are there others out there that feel the same way?
If you have used safety harnesses, do they work and how have they benefited you if they do?

I’m not a big fan of then either. I just can’t past the whole look of “dog on a leash”. I do however think they are a great idea. Toddlers don’t always want to hold your hand. These harnesses are a great way for them to be free to explore while mama hand keep them close.
I wish I didn’t have such an aversion to them. I would like to give my toddler a bit more freedom (which means less tantrums for me).
Very true. Toddlers certainly love to explore freely without any restraints usually! 😉
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In short, what I said was that leashes make parents look lazy, and that kids will just try to push against the restraint. My dog is much better behaved when I let him walk next to me off leash, and I’m assuming a toddler would be no different.
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Not a big fan of the safety harness! What happens when the child is finally taken off the harness? Is it like when a dog is released from his leash and just goes crazy?
Didn’t use a harness with my kids, but I do know other mothers who have. Most felt that it helped keep their child close enough to protect. Fine for them, but I opted for hand holding instead.