I came across this breastfeeding product while visiting another blog and do you think I can remember that blog now? Nope. But that’s not going to stop me from sharing it with you, I just can’t credit the lady who shared it with me via her blog post. It’s an alternative nursing cover called, the Moboleez Breastfeeding Hat. I think it’s cute. I’m not sure that my older seven children would have liked it because most of them haven’t really liked hats, but it’s something I’d be interested in trying with this new baby since I could start from birth; making it a habit from the beginning.
The Moboleez Breastfeeding Hat is a modern bonnet for breastfeeding babies.
MoBoleez was founded by Diane Sam, a nursing mother of two who wanted to design something unique and fun in support of the breastfeeding mom. Diane is passionate about breastfeeding and wanted a line of products that reflected the love between mother and baby and was playful, natural and “non-medicalized”. Tired of fussing with dropping blankets and bulky nursing covers, Diane invented the breastfeeding hat as a modern, alternative nursing cover.
Moboleez Breastfeeding Hat
Tropical Tiles Print $34.00
Moboleez offers nine other styles, six of which are a part of their Classic Collection and are $5.00 cheaper at the price of $29.00. You may view those here.
For more company details and product descriptions, please visit http://www.moboleez.com/
As World Breastfeeding Week comes to a close, let’s all remember that this month is also National Breastfeeding Awareness Month.