Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
L.E. Green Bags recently launched a new line of re-usable bags designed with fashion-forward men and women in mind. They are giving people an option to get away from heavily-branded store logos and super-feminine colors/designs. They want to encourage reusable bag usage and offer products that people will be proud to carry.
We were sent the Fixed-Gear Bag (Limited Edition) to review. They are good sturdy bags, but I would only use these bags for light to medium loads. We liked that this bag is re-usable and eco-friendly. It has held up very well during the time that we have been using it. This edgy reusable bag line is different than the reusable store brand mesh ones in that they are made out of a billboard sign material, which tends to last longer. Our son has a knapsack made of recycled billboard material and while it’s sturdy it does eventually wear out over time with continued use.
Le Green Bags comes in 2 different styles the Fixed Gear Bag and the Brass Knuckles Bag. These bags are very affordable at $3.75 each. While Le Green Bags only has two styles out at the moment they have a lot more in the works that they are waiting to roll out and show to us. So perhaps in the near future you will see their cool new re-usable bags.
At their affordable price these bags would make great gifts for any fashion forward person in your life.
For more information please visit: L.E. Green