Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
Each of us has our own belief system, yet the origins of earth have been debated for centuries. Remember the old film “Inherit the Wind”? If you are the slight bit interested in learning about different species of animals and just where one particular bird got its blue feet, then The Mysterious Islands movie is for you.
We really liked The Mysterious Islands. It is a good quality film with an emphasis on family and teaching children your values. This movie is educational and our family enjoyed watching it together. The filmmakers of The Mysterious Islands movie did a good job documenting all that goes on at the Galapagos Islands and explaining their extraordinary purpose for visiting the islands. They also did a wonderful job of showing how beautiful the islands are to movie viewers. They take the viewer from deep below the ocean to the top of volcanic craters to seeing the various animals living on the Galapagos islands. This film tells the Christian story of the Galapogos Islands rather the evolutionary side which is a refreshing change.
Our family really liked this movie and highly recommend it for any family looking for a family-friendly entertainment that is also educational at its core.
The Mysterious Islands makes a strong case for Creation and points out the flaws in Darwin’s evolutionary theory. This educational adventure also showcases many of the amazing animals who reside on the Galapagos Islands. Get a glimpse of the adventure by watching the trailer below. And to experience the full adventure, pick up The Mysterious Islands at your favorite Christian store!
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We have this video. It’s great!