Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
More holiday gift ideas coming your way! This baby sheepskin rug would also be a a great thing to add to your baby gifts list, as it would be a wonderful baby shower gift as well.
We received one of thes, which I have eyed for a long time, and am so thankful to Natureshop for sending it to me! It is absolutely wonderful. I really think Sir Eats Alot is sleeping better because of it. As you all know, babies love to be nice and snuggly warm and I believe this baby sheepskin rug is keeping my almost-four-month old son very warm. Even though he sleeps with us, this provides extra warmth beneath him. The care instructions recommends not allowing baby to sleep on the sheepskin on their tummies, of course, so I simply put a burp pad, blanket or folded receiving blanket down and them him on top. He doesn’t sleep on his tummy anyways. He usually nurses on his side, rolling to his back once he is in a deep sleep.
The baby sheepskin rug is very soft – on both sides. It is nice and thick. As much as I am loathe to put it on our floor, we have just because the laminate flooring is so cold and the sheepskin, again, keeps baby warm and in this case off the cold floor.
I am really please with this great baby gift from Natureshop. The baby sheepskin rug retails for about $89.00. It measures 32-37 inches long and a maximum of 22″ wide. It is 100% Lambskin from New Zealand. (Boohoo, I know poor little lambs, but they are beautiful!)
Please consider visiting Natureshop on their facebook page and on twitter!/natureshop_
Their new baby department have organic baby clothing from GreenBaby and Naturebaby from New Zealand selling merino baby clothing.
About Natureshop
Environmental Policy
As their name suggests, sustainability is an important part of our business practice. All the products they are made from natural fibres and have a minimal impact on the environment. They avoid synthetic fibres such as nylon and polyester as these materials are non-biodegradable and made of petrochemicals. They only look for natural fibre products that benefit their customers as well as the environment.
Carbon Neutral
Natureshop is carboNZero certified. The carboNZero programme was established in 2001 and is based on over a decade of research on climate change, greenhouse gas measurement and carbon monitoring. It is a certification programme that measures, manages and mitigates greenhouse gas emissions. They are proud of being CarboNZero certified as the programme is internationally endorsed, and it is all about integrity and credibility.
Offsetting Air freight
The airfreight needed to send their products worldwide everyday leaves an unavoidable carbon footprint. They are working to reduce this airfreight footprint this year by setting up a distribution centre in the UK to service the UK and Europe with a drastic reduction in air miles from pick up point to delivery. With their carboNZero certification they purchase quality carbon credits to totally offset their carbon footprint and these carbon credits all go towards reforestation and sustainable energy projects.
Packaging and Recycling
All their packaging is done with a combination of biodegradable plastics and recycled paper. Natureshop use biodegradable courier bags, and a local company collects the majority of our cardboard boxes, which they re-use for their own business operations. Natureshop have also drastically reduced their power usage, they make sure that waste is recycled where possible, and thanks to these values and the ongoing support of their team, their total general waste is less than 50 litres a week!
Environmentally Responsible Suppliers
The suppliers Natureshop have selected share their principals. Icebreaker has an outstanding reputation for their environmentally friendly way of doing business. They employ environmentally sound business practices throughout their entire supply chain.
EMU Australia, our supplier of sheepskin footwear, and Golden Fleece New Zealand who supply their sheepskin slippers both employ sound environmental policies. Like Natureshop, these companies have a focus on minimised waste and pollution, reduced carbon emissions and renewable energy.
Natureshop – Charitable Donations
Along with their commitment to environmentally friendly business practices Natureshop feel they have an obligation to contribute to the well being of our society and in particular the next generation. With this in mind they have initiated a program of financial support for charities. They are currently corporate sponsors of two charitable foundations that both make a huge difference to the children and young people that they support. Natureshop is committed to growing their charitable donations program and will be adding to the list of charities they support every year.
Heart Children New Zealand was established in October 1994 and is a national organisation with 22 regional branches and support networks. Heart Children New Zealand is the only organisation that is dedicated solely to providing the support required by children with heart conditions and their families. Heart Children New Zealand provides care and support to heart kids and their families. From before birth, through surgery, rehabilitation and into the future, we understand how important it is to have a strong support network to fall back on. Natureshop’s mission is to provide lifelong support for all those affected by the world’s most common birth defect.
CanTeen is a not-for-profit organization supporting young people aged 13-24 living with cancer. The organization was formed over 20 years ago to ensure that no young New Zealander has to go through a cancer experience alone. CanTeen believes that young people, through meeting, talking and sharing their experiences are better able to cope with the uncertainties of living with cancer. Their mission is to support, develop and empower their members whether they are young cancer patients, siblings or bereaved siblings, by providing a national support peer network offering professional educational and recreational programs.
CanTeen doesn’t receive any government funding and are therefore totally reliant on the generosity of individuals, the community and corporate partners. Natureshop Mt Maunganui has recognised CanTeen as a worthy charity and is committed to supporting the local Bay of Plenty region as a Corporate Partner with an annual $10,000 donation.
Natureshop also takes part in many charity auctions such as Christchurch Earthquake Appeal and Great Green Auction as well.

I love this wonderful rug. The color is mild and soft. I’m sure my cute angel’ll love this. Need to add this to my list soon. Glad i came across your blog and the links are indeed useful. Keep sharing..