Being a mom can be one of the most stressful times of a person’s life. From worrying about your kids’ health to multitasking on a regular basis, you likely have your hands full. These hints might be just what you need to calm down after providing for children.
Listen to Music
Doing chores around the house may be boring to the point of exhaustion. Listening to your favorite music can be inspiring and motivating. Types of music that you might like are classical, hip hop, smooth jazz or love songs. You can listen to free music apps or websites to brighten your day. Escape realistic expectations for a while to enjoy the moment. Music can make you feel more positive and increase productivity. Washing dishes, sweeping floors and taking out the trash doesn’t have to feel like dirty work if you have a healthy distraction to boost your mood.
Do Arts and Crafts
Being a professional artist or clever crafter isn’t necessary to paint a picture or knit a sweater. Consider taking a class or read free tutorials online. You can work on a project in small segments throughout the day. Art therapy is often used to help people with mental health issues express feelings in a healthy manner. Write your thoughts in a daily journal. Besides this, you can even do arts and crafts with kids. If you feel overworked and tired of it all, you might want to consider hiring a nanny to help you take care of your kids.
Practice Spirituality
Having a more spiritual mindset and spending time in prayer, meditating on scripture, or even listening to the rosary while doing yoga can help to heal your body, mind, and spirit. Focusing on God instead of your troubles can calm anxiety, reduce stress and bring meaning to your existence. Learn to feel grateful for the little things life has to offer by having an active prayer life. You’ll find that bringing everything to God in prayer will help you become more accepting of what can’t be changed. It can also help you ease your worries, worst fears, and pains by having a spiritual mindset.
Bring a yoga mat outdoors to view nature while you pray. Download a few Catholic apps for your phone so you can read the bible or daily readings while you drink your morning cup of coffee. Taking time to spend time with God will help you have the peace of mind you deserve after taking care of everyone in your family. You will also find that this improves your overall demeanor which will make your family want to spend more time with you!
You can commit to doing one or a few of these activities to be happier and healthier each day. The only way you can take care of your kids is to first care for yourself. This will help you remember what’s really important when you need to.