As a mother, you likely spend a lot of energy trying to be everything to everyone. It can get to where you forget about yourself. Some mothers feel “mommy guilt” when they try to treat themselves.
It is vitally important that mothers take the time to care for themselves. But just because it’s important doesn’t mean that it has to be expensive. The following are a few ways that mothers can pamper themselves, revitalize their soul, and keep themselves happy and healthy for their families.
Have a Cup of Tea or Coffee
Many mothers have busy mornings. There’s little time for them to truly enjoy themselves. Something as simple as choosing a nicely favored warm beverage may be just what’s needed.
Instead of purchasing the same bargain brand of tea and coffee, splurge a bit. Find a comfortable spot and just sip and enjoy. We are not talking about drinking coffee for hydration, to get your caffeine fix, or to wake up. We are talking about a quiet movement to enjoy a soothing, delicious drink.
Enjoy a Wine or Beer Tasting and Gourmet Food
Visit your local liquor store and inquire about any future wine or beer tastings. If they will not have one locally, see if they know of one going on nearby. Most tasting events range in price from between $15 and $20. Not only do you get to sample a bunch of beer and wine, you get to learn about different flavors and styles. Sample your old favorites and discover new ones. Afterward, go out to a local café or bistro and enjoy gourmet food. Just make a night of it.
Explore a Bookstore
Remember the time before electronic readers and digital books when bookstores were the place to go to find new reading material? Get yourself back into that space again. Visit your local neighborhood bookstore, whether it is a large chain or a mom-and-pop shop. Take the time to wonder through the aisles. Revisit the sections you enjoyed visiting years ago. Find information on an interest you once had and now want to pick up again. Or find a new interest. You need not purchase anything. The key is to spend all the time that you want.
Sneak Away and Take a Nap
This probably seems obvious, but many moms feel guilty about sneaking away and closing their eyes during the middle of the day. You shouldn’t feel guilty about this. A short nap is a great way to help feel rejuvenated, especially if you are tired or rundown. It can help improve your mood and prevent careless mistakes. And the best part is that a nap is free.
Mothers have a busy schedule, but it does not mean that mothers do not deserve to treat themselves. Treating yourself as a mother is not an indulgence or a luxury. It is a necessity.