Having a shared family computer can be demanding and challenging, especially if you share it with your children that enjoy spending hours on it.
However, there are ways to make the most out of it and make it usable and enjoyable for everyone.
Here are some tips.
Keep the software updated
Keeping the software of your computer updated will ensure that it runs as quickly as possible, which will ensure that every user can minimize delays and disruptions. Whether you or another family is working or playing games, computer disruptions can be frustrating and often the cause of avoiding a software update.
Although there might be some mac update problems when you update your software, it is important to be patient so that you can successfully perform the update. It will speed up your mac in the long run and improve its overall health.
Child-friendly limits
There are many software programs and apps that can be installed on computers which means some users can only access certain content, which is beneficial for those that share the device with their children. Having child-friendly limits will mean that the children can use the computer without your supervision too, which will make them much happier.
These parental apps will give you better control over what your children can and can’t access on the computer. Hence, you can keep peace of mind that they are consuming content that is child-friendly.
Create separate accounts
To maximize the efficiency of the child-friendly apps and to also stay sane while sharing a computer, it can help to create separate accounts.
This means that every user can have their own account, which can help each user feel that the computer is their own. They can store their own programs, files, and more, to make the computer unique for their use.

Place a clock nearby
It isn’t fair if some family members get to spend much more time than others on the computer. Hence, it is a good idea to place a clock nearby and set time limitations.
This clock could also be an alarm so that the user will know when to stop their use and allow the next person to use the computer.
Furthemore, it is important to establish a hierarchy and ensure that those that need to use the computer for work or homework purposes get to use it over those who simply want to use it for fun and games.
Encourage people to use it together
Should two people want to use the computer for the same reason – to play a game or look at the news – then it can help to encourage family members to use it together. This will maximize the use of the computer and ensure that someone isn’t waiting too long for their turn.
This can ensure that family members avoid fighting over who gets to use it first, when using it for the same purpose. Hence, it will avoid fights and family disputes.