If you are trying to pass the dreaded week between the end of Christmas and the start of New Year then you are not the only one. There are so many people and families who have absolutely no idea what to do during this period. It is often referred to as Twixmas – not sure why, but it is often the time when families take time off work to spend with their families. If you are looking for some ideas on what to do with your loved ones, take a look at the article below.

One thing you could do if you have the kids bouncing around the house is take them to a trampoline park. This will give you a chance to have a sit down and relax while the kids are busy bouncing. There are often cafes in these places so you can enjoy a nice hot drink and a piece of cake while you wait. Usually you can arrange for the kids to bounce for an hour or two depending on how long you or they want. An hour tends to be enough and you will be left with sweaty, tired kids which is a bonus. Better yet, you could get a load of their friends together for a group bounce and you can have some adult conversation with the other parents.
Have you ever wondered what the boxing day sales are actually like? There were times when everyone would head out for a boxing day treat, nowadays the shops are much quieter as many families shop online. You may have purposely not picked something up before christmas because you knew it would be cheaper in the sales, now it’s time to go and get that bargain. There are some shops that don’t open on Boxing day so be sure to check so you don’t have a wasted journey.
If you have no plans for the period between Christmas and New Year then how about jetting off to an exotic paradise. Some winter sun could do everyone good and end the Christmas period laying on a beach or diving in a pool! Think of places where you have never been and want to go or somewhere you absolutely adore and go back there. Beautiful places for winter sun include The Caribbean, Cape Verde, and The Maldives. Of course wherever you go, it will be beautiful and you will have the best time.
Movie Day
What is more relaxing than sitting in a room full of people all enjoying the same film? Some families really enjoy visiting the cinema, going to see the latest films. It can be a traditional family outing to head to the big screen on boxing day. There may even be a film being released on that day. If you have kids with you then be sure to see a film that is age appropriate.
Alternatively, if you don’t fancy leaving the house then you could create a movie day in the comfort of your own home. If you are a huge star wars fan then you might want to show the children these amazing films. Find out where to watch star wars movies this Twixmas.

Visit Family
There is nothing better than taking a trip to visit family during Twixmas. If you haven’t seen them in a while then it can be nice to catch up. Some people decide to meet family after Christmas and extend the present giving stage. If you have a lot of family spread across the country then it can be tricky finding the time before or on Christmas day. Be sure not to leave anyone out this festive period. If your family can travel then it might be nice to arrange a nice restaurant meet half way between the two locations.
Park Trip
Finally, if you are wanting a free outing then there is nothing better than a trip to the park. The park is not only free but is a great way to get some fresh air. You can take a walk around the lakes, perhaps feed the ducks or just send the kids on the play equipment. Make sure you wrap up warm as it can get quite chilly this time of year. The last thing you want or need is sick kids on new year.
We hope you found this article helpful and that it gave you some useful ideas on what you could do with your family during Twixmas. The ideas and possibilities are endless, we just hope you have fun with whatever it is you decide to do.