When you have children you will want to do everything you can to keep your child happy and healthy. Unfortunately, you can’t always help it if your child gets sick. There are plenty of illnesses out there that can put your kids all out of sorts for a couple of days. There are plenty of […]
Disney Help Kid’s Be Healthy!
Getting kids to have healthy lifestyle habits is not always easy as us parents can testify. But, Disney Consumer Products (DCP) is happy to announce an exciting new program to help equip parents and busy families with the tools they need to incorporate more of these habits into a busy schedule. You and your children […]
Fuel Kids Up For School!
Summer has come to a end, and all of us moms are busy getting our kids ready for back to school. But we have to think about all those meals that we have to prepare! Sure, it’s alot easier to let our kids eat cafeteria lunches, but are they healthy? The type and variety of foods that […]
Happy Belly Bags!
Happy Belly Bags, the belly conscious company that focuses on providing gifts and Starter Kits for those who suffer from food allergies, as well as gifts for people who simply enjoy healthy, natural and organic products recently introduced their latest creations—MOM Energy Happy Belly Bag and a Kids Collection of Happy Belly Bag. Both just […]
Five Easy & Healthy Summer Snacks for Kids!
Here are some of our favorite easy yet healthy summer snacks for kids! 1. Ants on a Log- For this recipe all that you need is some celery, raisins, and peanut butter. 1. Wash and dry the celery then chop it up into bite sized “logs”. 2. Spread peanut butter on each of the logs. […]
Tips on Treating Your Child’s Summer Cold from Children’s Advil®
Editors Note: We don’t necessarily agree or endorse everything in these tips. As always, we recommend that you use your own parental discretion and research to make your own clarifying decisions. Just because we don’t agree with a couple of things in an article doesn’t mean we throw everything out. KWIM? Summertime Relief: Tips on […]