Getting your kids interested in arts and crafts is sometimes easier said than done, especially when there is a multitude of entertainment to be found in the form of video games and interactive online games. It can feel like a task just to get them away from the television and their smartphones! However, you can […]
3 Useful Skills Your Kids Will Be Glad They Learned Early
As a parent, you are constantly teaching your children new skills. While skills like riding a bike are certainly important, they’re not exactly the kind of thing that make a huge difference in life later on. Below, though, are three major skills that can have a huge impact on the trajectory of a child’s future. […]
Let The Kids Help!
I’m a mom of eight kids, and the hardest part of the day is meal times. Not only does prepping the food take awhile, but you also have to handle the kids grumbling and trying to keep them calm. However, during the holiday season it is even worse! How do you handle a crying baby, […]
Make Cooking Fun!
Let’s face it, at one point or another everyone has to learn to cook, so why not make cooking more fun with The Handstand Kids Cookbook Companies new line of cooking accessories! The accessories are made from 100% cotton, they are machine washable and easy to clean, giving little chefs the opportunity to try out recipes […]
Kid Tested and Kid Approved Nutritious Meals
If your kids are picky eaters and you’re worried about the quality of their nutrition, the cookbook, No Whine With Dinner: 150 Healthy, Kid-Tested Recipes from The Meal Makeover Moms,may be just what you’re looking for. “With kids, it’s not just about taste,” said Liz Weiss, co-author of the book. “It’s about smell, look and texture which […]
Get Cooking With Sam Stern!
I’m not exactly a master chef (just ask my brother-in-law – the master chef)… so I was pretty excited to check out Sam Stern’s new cookbook, Get Cooking. Sam Stern is a famous teenage chef! He was raised in Yorkshire, England, with three fantastic sisters and one brilliant brother — until they went to college […]