Halloween is just around the corner and if you are like the rest of us moms then you are planning for the festivities. The candy, the costumes, the hyper-active children, and ensuring that everyone stays safe will pre-occupy your mind. But what about the movies? You won’t have time to preview all those creeptastic Halloween movies that are […]
Field of Vision
Our family loves family-friendly movies. It is so nice when my husband and I do not have to preview a movie before we determine if it is suitable for our children to watch. If you and your family enjoy this kind of movie too then be sure to join the rest of us in watching […]
The Mysterious Islands Movie
Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation. Each of us has our own belief system, yet the origins of […]
Reminder – The Book of Ruth DVD Giveaway
Just wanted to remind everyone that The Book of Ruth DVD Giveaway is ending on Monday, May 3 at 11:59pm! We have three DVDs generously donated to this giveaway!
The Book of Ruth DVD Giveaway *CLOSED*
Congratulations to Erica, Kimberly and Tami!! Comment #12, #3, and #26 chosen by Random.org Thank you to everyone who entered and a huge thanks to our friends at PureFlix for sponsoring this fabulous giveaway and giving our readers the opportunity to win a family-friendly movie!!! Last Monday I posted a review of the movie The […]