With the launch of How to Train Your Dragon 2 in cinemas nation wide, comes a new line of glasses that are making eye wear cool! It can be hard to convince young children that glasses can actually be fun, and the new line of eye wear based off the How to Train Your Dragon […]
Adventures in Zambezia Review
Fashionable Media Review Policy: the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing provided the featured product for this review to me, at no cost. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation. Adventures in Zambezia  When a spirited young falcon named Kai learns […]
Top Three Halloween Movies for Kids
Halloween is just around the corner and if you are like the rest of us moms then you are planning for the festivities. The candy, the costumes, the hyper-active children, and ensuring that everyone stays safe will pre-occupy your mind. But what about the movies? You won’t have time to preview all those creeptastic Halloween movies that are […]
The Fun You Can Have For Free
With the suffering state of the economy, families have had to cut back on expenses simply to make ends meet. To do this, activities such as family outings and social activities have to be cut because they no longer fit into the budget. This can be a drag on all family members, especially during the […]
Theo DVD Review
Theo is a animated series that discusses doctrines about sin, Godʼs character, the Bible, salvation and godly living in a kid friendly way. With easy-to-understand illustrations that make children want to learn more about the Christian faith. Theo Presents recognizes a universal fact: children and adults alike love cartoons. Theo captures the attention of young […]
Game Time Tackling The Past!
Pro football star Jake Walker is just one season away from setting an all-time receiving record that will guarantee him a spot in the Hall of Fame. But when he gets news that his father has suffered a serious heart attack, Jake leaves training camp and returns to Riverton, the small hometown he’s avoided for […]