Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
I was sent a Growl Onesie, yes you read that correctly! 🙂 Cute name, eh? It is a 0-3 month onesie from Wobabybasics – New”Green” Baby Clothing that is being sold by It is made out of soft, 100% organic cotton. It is truly very soft to the touch. There is a three-snap-closure in the diaper area. The fabric has a lot of elasticity to it. I really like it. It’s cute and it’s healthy for my baby to wear since Wobabybasics works exclusively with certified organic textiles that are free of toxic chemicals and use safe low-impact dyes.
Here’s what the tag says:
What really matters – Your baby, Your environment, Your community – Wobabybasics offers unique 100% organic cotton children’s basics, with an emphasis on quality, comfort, fun and functional details.
Wobabybasics proudly supports local fair trade production methods to ensure the highest social and environmental benefits.
Ethically made in China.
I really love companies that are eco friendly, promote fair trade and if they are a socially conscious company, all the better in my book.
Unfortunately, I was unable to do a laundry test since the product does have to be returned.
The following photos are ones that I took here at home:
Soft Green Baby Clothes sells a variety of organic clothing especially for babies. Lots of cute things that make us mamas go, “Awww….I like that and want it for my baby!” The Growl Onesie sells for $30.00 each.

How sweet! This baby looks so beautiful.
Kids are so cute when they are this age, this is why they need clothes like these.