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Sleeping Beauties: Newborns in Dreamland
(Sellers Publishing; April 2010; Hardcover; $29.95)
Photographs by Tracy Raver and Kelly Ryden
Sleeping Beauties is a beautiful book. If you’ve ever seen Anne Geddes work, then you will certainly appreciate Sleeping Beauties by Tracy Raver and Kelley Ryden! Newborn babies are so precious and peaceful looking that looking at a baby who isn’t even your own turns your heart to mush, doesn’t it?
Each page of Sleeping Beauties includes a gorgeous newborn sleeping and on the opposite page is a quote about babies, children or some other inspirational saying that is sure to bless all who love babies, but especially moms and moms-to-be.
Here are a few of the quotes:
“From small beginnings come great things” ~ Proverb
“A sweet new blossom of humanity.” ~ Anonymous
“It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.” ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
“When you have children yourself, you begin to understand what you owe your parents.” ~ Japanese Proverb
“Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.” ~ Charles R. Swindoll
“Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” ~ Elizabeth Stone
Pure art. Pure joy. Pure delight. That about sums up the book.
You can purchase Sleeping Beauties: Newborns in Dreamland on for only $21.56.

About the Photographers
Twin sisters, Kelley and Tracy often collaborate in Kelley’s Nebraska studio and on location around the world and combine their talents to capture the peace and innocence of newborn babies. You may visit Kelley’s website The sisters are also scheduled to return to the TODAY show the week of April 9th. So stay tuned…..

Awesome article! Thanks for this great article. This is so information.:)