Image: Clare Bloomfield /
When we are expecting a baby, I think most of us would agree that beyond a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby choosing a baby name is at the top of the important “things to do” before or at the time our precious baby is born.
Recently there was a web article on Yahoo discussing baby name trends and according to it baby names often become popular because of celebrities! I find it amazing how influential celebrity parents are when it comes to this all important and personal subject of choosing a baby name.
Baby names often become popular because of celebrities. For example, Emma debuted in the top 10 in 2002, the same year that Jennifer Aniston’s character on “Friends” gave the name to her TV show baby.
While, I think the name Emma is beautiful, we did not choose to name our child who was born in 2002 that name. Besides he was a boy! I have to admit that while I follow certain celebrities in the news, they really do not influence how I choose to name my child. I actually try not to name our children a name that could make them one of five children in the same group or class with that particular name. I desire a name that is pretty or strong and that usually has some significant meaning because I want them to grow up into their name. I want them to love their name and not be ashamed of it. I have always loved my own name and knew of only two other Theresas growing up. Thankfully there were no other girls in my class with the same name all throughout my years of schooling, including college classes.
Only one of our seven children made the most popular names list (from the Social Security website). We didn’t plan that either.
Naming this baby is something we have yet to do though. We have had so much on our plate that even though it has come up in discussion, I have barely had time to sit and think about what this baby will be named! Usually we have this done by now. Guess we still have time – only 74 more days – give or take a few.
How about you, how do you choose your baby’s names and what are the greatest influences on that decision? Would love to hear some of your stories!