Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
I don’t know about you but I find it hard to believe that it is time to start taking advantage of Back to School Sales! Amazing how fast the summer is going by!
We had the privilege of reviewing a new sustainable shoe from the Vivobarefoot Kids line from the Terra Plana company. I have to say my son LOVES them! Seriously, that is the only thing he will wear now, until I tell him he is not to wear them to the farm garden! They all have crocs or flip flops to wear in the garden now that it is too hot for rubber boots.
My son has only been wearing his Aquarius Black Vivobarefoot Kids shoes for a week or so, but he finds them comfortable, easy to get on and fun to wear since that is about the only thing he chooses these days!
Their sizes seem somewhat limited at this point or perhaps it was just what they currently have in stock that was limited. Other than that, we really haven’t found anything negative about them. They are on the pricier side retailing for about $70.
If it isn’t already apparent, I love it when a company practices sustainability and uses eco-friendly materials too.
About Terra Plana’s Vivobarefoot Kids
Created in collaboration with footwear technologists and podiatrists, Terra Plana’s Vivobarefoot Kids is a lightweight and super-flexible shoe line with a thin puncture-resistant sole designed to mimic what foot specialists have long known…children walk best barefoot.
Because of the high proportion of cartilage and other soft tissue, the developing foot can be deformed under the persistent pressure of wearing incorrectly shaped or rigid shoes. The child’s foot does not fully mature until age 18-19 for girls and 20-21 for boys and growing evidence supports that children’s shoes should be designed on the barefoot model.
More than 80% of foot problems are attributed to misshaped and inflexible shoes, however modern day life means children can’t always be shoeless. Vivobarefoot Kids offers a good alternative for everyday use.
Benefits of VivoBarefoot Kids include:
* Allow natural growth and development
* Stimulation of nerves endings in feet enhances sensory perception and circulation
* Strengthen feet and body
* Naturally aligns posture
* Protection from the environment
In 2009, an independent medical study directed by Podiatrist Annette Thompson, of Cape Town University tested VivoBarefoot on 22 children without foot imbalances or deformities. These findings support the recommendations of other studies internationally, that shoes for children should be designed on a barefoot model. VivoBarefoot has now been awarded approval by the SA Podiatry Association.
Vivobarefoot shoes are eco-friendly and come with a eco-matrix highlighting the eco components of each shoes.

I agree my son has the same pair of kids shoes, and he says they are comfortable to run in and I have noticed how much faster it is for him to get his shoes on to leave the house.
Those look great. Do you have any more detailed shots of the shoe?
My boy loves this style of kids shoes! They are perfect for him to wear to school and around the house!
if it isn’t already apparent i love it when a company practices sustainability and uses ecofriendly materials too.
With these great colorful shoes and patent pending footprinter bottoms, these little critters are not just shoes… they are like toys for feet!