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Ruth Martin’s Moon Dreams
is a sweet book about a girl who loves the moon and watches it through her window at bedtime. When she goes to sleep she goes into adventure land and during the night dreams different dreams about the moon for several nights in a row. In the meantime, she wonders where it goes when the sun comes out. She tries hard to stay awake to find out, but usually just drifts off to sleep, unable to stay awake the whole night long. Does she find out where the moon goes during the day? You’ll have to read the book to find out!
About the Author
Ruth Martin is the editorial manager at Templar Publishing and was inspired to write this story after seeing a single postcard of Olivier’s artwork (the illustrator of her book). Ruth Martin lives in London with her husband, Dan, and their new baby Tabitha.
The review copy of this book was provided by Candlewick Press and is available at major book retailers. It is hardcover with a jacket and costs around $15.99.
Give your child the love of reading and they’ll be able to do, be and go anywhere!

When you dream, yes it is subconscious. Scientists believe that you don’t dream every time you sleep. Normally you have to be in a deep state of sleep, along with some feelings you have (whether they be happy, sad, angry, etc. that’s what channels the type of dream you have). Studies say that if you are awakened by another force interfering (such as a person shaking your shoulder to wake you up, or an alarm clock) then the chances of you remembering your dream are slim, since it puts your body into a state of trying to figure out where you are, what you should be doing, etc. so your brain forgets it as it is not important. If you sleep until you are fully rested and wake up on your own, then the chances of you remembering your dream(s) is very high, since your body has had time to wake up slowly and think about everything. Some people may not dream at all because of constant disturbances during the night, or simply do not have the personal qualities to create such worlds while unconscious. The fact that they are subconscious does effect it to an extent, however it does not fully rely on that single factor. Like I said earlier, not everyone dreams, however everyone normally has the capability to dream. Some people cannot dream, for example someone with a past of mental illnesses may not be able to dream.