It’s happened more than once, but the worst was in the cafeteria. The strap of my snazzy tote spontaneously slid off my shoulder, careened down my arm, and collided with a trayful of my lunch, showering everyone in splash distance with my cranberry juice/Sprite combo. Not my happiest moment. Not theirs, either, I’m sure. I mean, have you tried getting cranberry juice out of fabric? It’s hopeless.
But I learned something. Beware the tote! (And be very careful with cranberry juice.)
As a new mother, I opted for a backpack-style diaper bag and it was the easiest, best decision. Carrying a mini-traveling nursery with you wherever you go is going to make you feel bad about those mules at the Grand Canyon, forever schlepping tourists and all their stuff up and down dirt paths. But a backpack keeps the process pain-free. Also, there are some super-cute and fashionable diaper bags out there, now. You can at least look like a fashionista while carrying half your baby supplies with you.
Here are my top three reasons why a diaper bag backpack just makes sense.
Going Hands-Free
Let’s face it, your hands are going to be busy taking care of Baby. You’ll be pushing strollers, breast or bottle feeding, soothing your little beauty when they get cranky, and doing the endless tasks that keep our lives rolling along.
Besides, try picking up or putting down your baby without the tote sliding down your arm and giving them a good whack. Oh, were they finally asleep? Not anymore!
Going Pain-Free
When you were in school with a heavy bag full of books, you know how your back and shoulders feel at the end of the day.
To get all science-y on you for a moment, according to Health Beat, “Backpacks distribute the weight that you are carrying evenly across your back instead of focusing it on one side, maintaining your body’s natural gait and maintaining a balanced muscle tone.”
Wearing a bag that puts strain on one side of your body and causes upper and lower back pain. You also end up with neck strain, which can lead to headaches and other problems.
Even with the backpack, be kind to yourself. If you’re going to have your car with you, maybe leave half the nursery in there for emergencies and keep the basics with you. Avoid the mule complex!
Going Baby Carrier Friendly
Going hands-free is also easier if you’re wearing your child in a front carrier. And you’re going to want a baby carrier.
Your little babe will love being snuggled up against you. They’ll feel safe and comfortable, and you’ll be glad to have quick and easy access to your baby. You can protect them better if they’re just right there, and you’re not struggling with a tote or messenger bag.
When it comes to carriers, the best I’ve seen are the Ergobaby Omni Baby Carriers which have lumbar support and an ergonomic design. The waist belts also help support back care.
Good luck, parents! Take care of your backs. Treat yourselves well. And happy parenting!