While high heels are fashionable, they can damage the feet and other parts of the body. For starters, they force the wearer to stand on tiptoe, which forces their entire body to adjust to the change in balance. It also increases the pressure on the front part of the foot. The higher the heels and […]
Prevent Perils of Wearing High Heels with Topricin Foot Therapy Cream!
Us woman love our high heels. A pair of stilettos can lengthen the legs, and turn any woman into a statuesque beauty. But at what cost? Plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, sprained and swollen ankles, forefoot pain, blisters, aching feet, hammertoes, corns and calluses, lower back pain, etc. Wearing heels isn’t the healthiest choice, but almost […]
‘Tis the Season- Dr. Krista Archer Discusses Holiday Tips for Tootsies
The holiday season is upon us, and so begins the endless stream of nights out for parties, dinners, events and more parties. With this comes dressing up and putting on those party shoes. Although they look fabulous, those favorite pair of holiday high heels can bring on pain and make already sore feet scream out […]
Kim Kardashian’s Fancy Bowling Shoes
This headline caught my eye, only because we have been talking about bowling here at the Gould house. When I was a teen I really enjoyed bowling and haven’t been to a bowling alley since before I was married, mostly because since we’ve had children we try to avoid cigarette smoke. We’ve even been known […]
Heels or Flat Shoes? When Insoles Can Make A Difference
The age-old debate of heels vs. flats has been around long before all six seasons and two movies of Sex and the City. While high heels may make some women feel sexier and more confident, there are drawbacks to wearing them regularly. A new study shows that women who wear high heels frequently can experience […]
Do You Have Summer Shoe Woes?
I thought this next post would be a good topic to feature since most women are concerned about wearing stylish footwear. Many celebrities get raked over the coals for any of their fashion “bloopies”. As moms, we also want our footwear to fit and be comfortable, after all we are usually running after a toddler […]