If you are a baby carrier addict like me, then you probably have more than a couple baby carriers around your house… I don’t even want to admit how many baby carriers I own. I am pretty sure I have more baby carriers than I do scarves and belts COMBINED. *blush* So it stands to […]
Babywearing Outfit Ideas Featuring Vanamo
Wondering what to wear with that gorgeous Vanamo Ruutu Sateenkaari Rainbow Cotton/Wool Woven Wrap? It’s easy! Here is a colorful outfit idea to coordinate with this lovely woven wrap to keep you looking fashionable while you carry your little one in comfort. Babywearing Outfit Idea – Vanamo by thehousewife featuring Vanamo, Kohls and […]
Top Must-Haves For New Moms
Must-Haves for New Moms by thehousewife on Polyvore Looking for some gift ideas for new moms or a special mama-to-be? Check out these 8 top must-haves that are sure to impress! 1. Baby Mantra Calming Massage Oil This natural and cruelty free massage oil includes key ingredients like Apricot Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Jojoba, […]
Front Snugli Infant Baby Carrier
First of all, let me tell you that I have tried many, many different styles and brands of baby carriers. That being said, I have never felt completely comfortable putting one on by myself. That is until I tried the Snugli Front Carrier. Thank goodness it came with an instruction booklet, because I needed a little […]
Okkatots Diaper Bags
For the love of little ones Okkatots is a new company we just learned about and from the looks of it we are going to want to keep abreast to what’s happening on their blog and with their products. Okkatots recently started their very first blog and hosted their very first giveaway and had 448 […]
Belle Baby Carrier
Baby wearing is a wonderful way to bond with your baby. It keeps baby close, snug, warm and makes baby feel secure in the arms of the one who loves him or her the most. There are many different kinds of carriers on the market from slings and wraps to the Ergo. I also came […]